6 Essential Rotational Strength Drills For Punches And Kicks

6 Essential Rotational Strength Drills For Punches And Kicks
Boxing Muay Thai Tuesday

In striking-based combat sports like Boxing and Muay Thai, developing explosive rotational strength will increase the power behind all your strikes. Good striking technique dictates that you generate torque by twisting your lower body and torso as you throw, transferring the rotational energy generated into your strikes. Watch videos of any of your favorite knockout artists in combat sports, and you’ll notice how much they rotate their bodies as they unleash on opponents.

This article will go over some of the most essential rotational strength drills that will have you throwing powerful strikes in little time.

The muscles that control rotation include your obliques, transverse abdominis, multifidus, rotator cuff, gluteus maximus and gluteus medius, hip rotators, erector spinae, and quadratus lumborum.


Effective Rotational Strength Exercises For Increased Striking Power

Ready to maximize the power behind your strikes? Let’s jump into our list of exercises used in combat sports spaces for that very purpose:


1) Russian Twists With A Medicine Ball

Russian twists are a popular exercise that helps increase your rotational strength, particularly in your core. The exercise also helps to stabilize your core.

To perform Russian twists:

  • Grab a medicine ball or anything else with some weight you can hold in your arms and sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent and your feet off the ground.
  • Hold the ball at chest level with your arms extended.
  • Twist your torso from side to side while keeping your arms straight. Try to touch the ground with the ball on each side.

Move slowly when performing Russian twists to get the most out of them. Start with lighter weights until you master the form and work your way up. Aim for three sets of 20 reps.


2) Woodchoppers

Woodchoppers mimic the motion you would make if you were chopping down a piece of wood with an axe. It engages your shoulders, core, and lower back muscles, particularly your obliques and hip flexors.

You’ve probably seen videos of athletes performing woodchoppers in promos if you’re a fan of sports like boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA). It isn’t just great for building explosive rotational strength; you also look cool when performing them.

Here’s what woodchoppers look like:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding dumbbells in both hands above your right shoulder.
  • “Chop” down diagonally across your body toward your knee on the opposite side. Aim for around 12 reps and switch sides. Go for three sets.

Don’t power the movement with your arms when performing your reps. Power should be generated from your hips and core as you pump them out.


3) Standing Cable Rotations

Standing cable rotations target your hips, core, and shoulders. The added resistance forces your core muscles to work hard to stabilize your body as you perform your reps.

  • Set up a cable machine so that you’re holding a handle in each hand at chest level.
  • Keep your feet planted as you extend your arms and twist your torso to one side, pulling against the cable’s resistance.
  • Return to the center and perform the movement going to the other side to complete a rep. Look to perform three sets of 15 reps.


4) Rotational Med Ball Throws

Here’s an excellent exercise for developing explosive power in your strikes. It engages your hips, shoulders, and core explosively, increasing your ability to generate power with the muscles in these regions quickly. It’s an excellent way to develop the fast-twist muscle fibers in these areas.

To perform rotational med ball throws:

  • Stand sideways near a way or similar surface while holding a medicine ball with both hands. You should be slightly squatted with the ball held at hip level.
  • Explode upward as you hurl the ball toward the wall by twisting your torso before releasing it.
  • Don’t hold back when performing your reps. You want to twist and hurl the ball toward the wall as hard as possible.


5) Turkish Getups

Turkish getups are an ancient exercise believed to date as far back as the training of soldiers during the days of the Ottoman Empire. The exercise also requires you to engage every muscle group in the body, particularly in your legs, core, and shoulders. Turkish getups also engage your stabilizer muscles as you pump out your reps.

Here are the steps involved when performing Turkish getups:

  • Start laying on your back in a starfish position with a kettlebell in your right hand while your left forearm is planted on the ground.
  • Scoot your right foot toward your butt.
  • Use your ab muscles to pull your torso off the ground and your right heel and left hand to push yourself up. Slide your left foot behind you as you place your left knee on the ground so you’re now in a kneeling position. Your right hand should still be extended straight up.
  • Remove your left hand from the ground and push yourself up until you’re standing.
  • Reverse the steps to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your left arm holding the dumbbell to complete a rep.

Master the form for Turkish getups before attempting to perform the exercise with kettlebells to get the most out of it.


6) Rotational Landmine Twists

Landmine twists mimic the motion made when a punch is thrown, engaging muscles in your obliques, hips, and shoulders. It’s a popular drill in combat sports gyms because of how well it translates into increased striking power.

To perform this exercise:

  • Anchor a barbell in an attachment for landmine twists. Find a corner if you don’t have the equipment. Hold one end of the barbell with both hands while the other is anchored down.
  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bring the barbell close to your chest to get into the starting position. Keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Rotate the barbell from side to side to perform your reps. Aim for three sets of 15 reps. Add weights to the side of the barbell you’re holding to make the exercise more challenging.


Increase Your Punching Power Tremendously By Strengthening Your Rotational Muscles

How much rotational power you can generate significantly affects how much force your strikes land with. Give yourself an edge in combat sports like Muay Thai, Boxing, and Kickboxing by adding these exercises to your strength and conditioning routine.


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