Trailer – Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat
Sneak Peek – Low Kick Combinations
Sneak Peek – Muay Mat Against Muay Khao
Sneak Peek – Muay Mat Against Muay Femur
1. Muay Mat Punches: Jab
Part 1: Introduction to Muay Mat Training Series
Part 2: Introduction To Jab
Part 3: The Jab
Part 4: Backstep Jab
Part 5: Common Mistakes
Muay Mat, a style in Muay Thai that utilizes heavy punches and low kicks, constantly applying forward pressure in a fight and will do almost anything to knock their opponent out. Most Muay Mat fighters have strong upper bodies packed with power and typically can knock their opponent out with a single punch.
In this chapter, we will break down the mechanics of how and when to use a jab in different scenarios and the common mistakes during execution.
2. Muay Mat Punches: Cross
Part 1: Introduction To Cross
Part 2: Basic Cross
Part 3: Forward Cross
Part 4: Short Cross
Part 5: Common Mistakes
A cross is a technique thrown using your rear hand that is packed with power intended to penetrate your opponent’s guard for a knock out in a single strike. We will break down the mechanics of a cross, how and when to use it in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
3. Muay Mat Punches: Hook
Part 1: Introduction To Hook
Part 2: Basic/Short Hook
Part 3: Long Hook
Part 4: Check Hook
Part 5: Common Mistakes
A hook is a short-range weapon that targets your opponent’s head from the side. It is thrown using your lead hand and usually requires a setup to use it efficiently. We will break down the mechanics of a hook, how and when to use it in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
4. Muay Mat Punches: Uppercut
Part 1: Basic Uppercut
Part 2: Long Uppercut
Part 3: Common Mistakes
An uppercut is a punch thrown from a lower angle and delivers the impact in an upward direction, mainly targeted at the opponent’s chin. It can be used as a short-range or long-range weapon. We will break down the mechanics of an uppercut, how and when to use it in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
5. Muay Mat Punches: Body Hook
Part 1: Basic Body Hook
Part 2: Forward Body Hook
Part 3: Common Mistakes
A body hook targets the lower half of the opponent’s torso. The impact point is often the area where the liver is. If used correctly, this can shut down the opponent’s body and score a knockout. We will break down the mechanics of a body hook, how and when to use it in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
6. Muay Mat Punches: Body Cross
Part 1: Body Cross
Part 2: Common Mistakes
A body cross is a straight punch, except that this is targeted at the opponent’s abdominal area. You will have to bend your knees slightly to lower your angle to reach this area efficiently. As Muay Thai fighters typically have strong cores, we will cover how to efficiently land the body cross with the right mechanics, how and when to use it in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
7. Muay Mat Punches: Combinations
Part 1: Combination 1
Part 2: Combination 2
Part 3: Combination 3
Part 4: Combination 4
Part 5: Combination 5
In this chapter, we will showcase five combinations to chain different forms of punches packed with devastating knockout power.
8. Low Kick Variations
Part 1: Introduction To Low Kicks
Part 2: Basic Low Kick
Part 3: Forward Low Kick
Part 4: Step Back Low Kick
Part 5: Side Step Low Kick
Part 6: Common Mistakes For Low Kicks
The low kick is a devastating technique that a Muay Mat fighter uses in a fight constantly and delivers significant impact to the opponent’s thigh, shutting them down where they can no longer stand up to continue the fight. Low kicks usually are set up using heavy punches, making the opponent block high with their arms, thus taking the attention away from protecting their lower body.
In this chapter, we will break down the mechanics of a low kick, how and when to use it in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
9. Low Kick Combinations
Part 1: Combination 1
Part 2: Combination 2
Part 3: Combination 3
Part 4: Combination 4
Part 5: Combination 5
In this chapter, we will showcase five combinations used by Muay Mat fighters that chain their powerful punches together with devastating low kicks.
10. Defence Against Punches
Part 1: Introduction To Defence Against Punches
Part 2: Parry & Counter
Part 3: Catch & Counter
Part 4: Evade & Counter
Part 5: Common Mistakes
In this chapter, we will highlight the importance of proper defense for a Muay Mat fighter. As we always emphasize, the Muay Mat constantly walks down the opponent in a fight and often leaves an opportunity for experienced fighters to counter them. Sometimes, they will get caught in this situation and lose the fight from elbow strikes or get knocked out by various techniques in Muay Thai.
We will be covering various forms of defensive techniques and how to efficiently use counters. We will break down the mechanics of the different defenses, how and when to use them in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
11. Long Guard Defence
Part 1: Introduction To The Long Guard Defence
Part 2: Defensive & Counter Combinations
Part 3: Common Mistakes
The long guard is a defensive technique for defense and is commonly used to prevent Muay Khao fighters from entering into a clinch by maintaining distance from them. Proper counter techniques need to be incorporated with the long guard to neutralize their entry more efficiently and to also keep them on their back foot.
The long guard can be countered easily by targeting areas under the guard. It is therefore critical to utilize it correctly and minimize any mistakes.
In this chapter, we will teach you how to use the long guard with counter combinations, breaking down the mechanics, how and when to use it in different scenarios, and also common mistakes during execution.
12. Head Movement Defence
Part 1: Introduction To Head Movement Defence
Part 2:Defensive & Counter Combinations
Part 3: Common Mistakes
Good defensive head movement increases the chances of the opponent over-extending their strikes and losing their balance at the same time. This window allows you to counter. Unlike other forms of defense where you will be absorbing some damage from strikes, this technique is focused on evasion and avoids damage.
Using a single strike for the counter is optimal as you want to execute it as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is an advanced technique that will sometimes compromise balance and your guard will be more open to attack. Therefore it is very important to learn the correct technique with step-by-step instructions, and also how and when to use it in different scenarios, together with common mistakes in execution.
13. Muay Mat Against Muay Khao
Part 1: Introduction To Fighting Muay Khao & Muay Femur
Part 2: Offensive Strategies & Combinations Against Muay Khao
Part 3: Defensive & Counter Combinations Against Muay Khao
Part 4: Sweeps Against Muay Khao
Muay Khao fighters are strong in the clinch and their main weapons are elbows and knees. Similar to Muay Mat, they walk down their opponent and apply forward pressure constantly as elbows and knees are short-range weapons. They thus have to close the distance for it to work. Instead of engaging them in the clinch, Muay Mat fighters have to use angles to step out of the clinch zone, attacking their body and legs to slow them down.
In this chapter, we will learn strategies that a Muay Mat fighter uses to go against a Muay Khao. We will showcase attack strategies with combinations, and also how to defend efficiently and counter with accuracy.
In cases where they get caught up in a clinch, Muay Mat fighters commonly use various sweep techniques to send them to the ground, breaking their rhythm and timing and also depleting their stamina. We will break down various techniques on when and how to use them in different scenarios, and common mistakes during execution.
14. Muay Mat Against Muay Femur
Part 1: Offensive Strategies & Combinations
Part 2: Defensive & Counter Combinations
Part 3: Sweeps
Muay Femur are well-known for their intelligence in ring craft, their footwork, and their long-range kicks. To combat them in the ring, you need to limit your movement and if possible, corner them with pressure and attack the legs. We will cover how you can achieve this in this chapter with various forms of offensive combination strategies.
The most common weapons that a Muay Femur uses are the push kick and roundhouse kick. In this chapter, you will learn how to defend against them with various combinations and to counter with offensive combinations.
In the event where a Muay Mat fighter responds slower to defend against kicks, we will learn a few sweep techniques that a Muay Mat fighter can use to counter and slow them down.
Pile on the pressure in the ring with the Muay Mat fighting style!
Muay Mat is one of the five main fighting styles in Muay Thai, and is characterized by devastating punches, powerful low kicks, and superior defensive head movement. Muay Mat fighters typically start exerting forward pressure right off the bell, immediately closing the distance and executing elegant punch and low kick combinations.
In this Muay Thai Training Series, Evolve MMA’s Muay Thai World Champions break down the intricacies of the Muay Mat style, including the details of throwing accurate and explosive punches and low kicks in various situations. As the Muay Mat style fights in the pocket, different defensive techniques such as head movement and the long guard are essential. Covering punches and low kicks for defensive and offensive purposes, this Training Series covers details for practitioners of all levels. Advanced students will gain insights into developing an offensive, punch-heavy style, while beginners will benefit greatly from the various drills and combinations our World Champions have designed. This Training Series will also help all Muay Thai practitioners with practical strategies when facing Muay Khao (fighters who prefer using knees) and Muay Femur (highly technical fighters).
Whether you are a beginner or more advanced practitioner of Muay Thai, this Training Series will add multiple layers of complexity to your game. With a full complement of over 4 hours of on-demand video content structured into 14 chapters, Evolve University’s Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat is the ultimate guide to fighting like a Muay Mat.
- Kaotaem Lookprabat, World Champion
- Panomroonglek Kiatmookao, World Champion

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat?
Evolve University’s Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat is the best video instructional content for beginners and advanced practitioners of Muay Thai training on the Muay Mat style, created and taught by the multiple-time Muay Thai World Champions at Evolve MMA, Asia’s #1 Muay Thai Gym.
In this Muay Thai Training Series, Evolve MMA’s Muay Thai World Champions break down the intricacies of the Muay Mat style, including the details of throwing accurate and explosive punches and low kicks in various situations. As the Muay Mat style fights in the pocket, different defensive techniques such as head movement and the long guard are essential.
With a full complement of over 4 hours of on-demand video content structured into 14 chapters, Evolve University’s Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat is the ultimate guide to fighting like a Muay Mat.
Who will benefit from the Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat?
If you are interested in learning the Muay Mat style from legendary Muay Thai World Champions that will take your game to the next level, this Training Series is for you.
Covering punches and low kicks for defensive and offensive purposes, this Training Series covers details for practitioners of all levels. Advanced students will gain insights into developing an offensive, punch-heavy style, while beginners will benefit greatly from the various drills and combinations our World Champions have designed. This Training Series will also help all Muay Thai practitioners with practical strategies when facing Muay Khao (fighters who prefer using knees) and Muay Femur (highly technical fighters).
What is the pricing model of the Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat? What will I get?
Evolve University’s Muay Thai Training Series: Muay Mat is now available at a preferential launch price of $49.90, but for a limited period only.
For a one-time payment of $49.90, you get lifetime access to over 4 hours of on-demand video learning content structured into 14 chapters by numerous Evolve MMA’s Muay Thai World Champions.
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